For a lot of us, this time of year is the real New Year. It is not just because it is the start of the Academic new year, but also because it is the start of Autumn, the summer is over and we start to focus on the things ahead, whilst remembering the (mildly) warm days and relaxation that has gone before.

This has been an odd summer for many of us. The UK riots have brough us face to face with the reality of the state of our country. For those of us who went to India, the exposure to a different culture and to a rarefied spiritual atmosphere have reinvigorated our faith. For those of us who went to Grapevine, the challenge of fresh words from the Lord have reminded us of the vision and mission he has given to us.

The days ahead are filled with possibilities. I for one have been stirred by the need for God to come and revive our land. This is not a time to sit back and continue what we have been doing hoping that something will change. This is a time for action – militant prayer accompanied by unrestrained witness to the goodness of God in our lives.

As the memories of summer fade, let the vision and passion of God within you remain vivid and sharp.