The Basileia Bible School has been established to provide Biblical and theological training for those in ministry or those aspiring to ministry who have not been through any formal training. The aim of the course is to facilitate a deeper understanding of the Bible and theology from both an academic and a practical perspective to equip those taking part in the course with tools for the work of ministry.
The course is over two years. Each year includes nine full day sessions (Saturdays) with an assignment to be completed between sessions. Those who successfully complete the first year will receive a Certificate and those completing the second year will receive a Diploma in Christian Theology. Due to legal restrictions, this will not be transferable to other colleges but will give the candidate some validation of the training they have received.
The Course will be structured as follows:
Year 1 & 2
- Theological Overview
- The Doctrine of God
- The Doctrine of the Person of Christ
- The Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
- The Doctrines of Human Nature, Sin and Grace
- The Doctrine of the Church
- The Doctrine of the Sacraments
- The Last Things: The Christian Hope
- Biblical Interpretation
- The Pentateuch
- Psalms & Wisdom
- The Gospels & Acts
- Paul & His Theology
- Mission & Evangelism
- Christianity and World Religions
- Christian Ethics: Principles and Applications
- Christology and Atonement in Historical Perspective
- Theology: Reflection and Practice

The principle lecturer for this course will be Richard Bradbury (MSc, BA Honours (Theology)). With a passion to make known the Word of God, Richard is the leader of Beverley Community Church. He has taught theology and Biblical Studies in the UK as well as in India and Africa. His desire is to bring people to a greater understanding of the Word and to a greater level of faith as they seek to apply it in their lives and situations.
In addition, guest lecturers will present elements of the course as appropriate.
It is expected that students will commit to each full year of study. Completion of each year will include attendance as well as the completion of assignments within the required timescales. Each assignment will be 1000 words with the exception of the final one which is 5000.
The costs for the course are £150 per year payable at the commencement of each year, although, if this poses a problem for any student, payment can be made in instalments.
In addition, the student will need to purchase course materials such as books, although, wherever possible, suggested text books will be kept to a minimum. The textbook for Year 1 is Alister McGrath’s Christian Theology: An Introduction which can be purchased for around £17.99.
A full syllabus is available on request.
If you have any other questions concerning this course, please contact:
Richard Bradbury, e-mail: ; Tel: 01482 868124.
To apply, please contact Richard Bradbury for details and an application form as follows:
Tel: 01482 868124
An application is available below: