Sometimes, in the midst of all I am doing, I can become weary. This tiredness is not through lack of sleep particularly, but through lack of space. Whilst I try to build downtime into my routine, at times unavoidable things encroach on that space and that does not always leave sufficient recovery time. I do try to guard my Friday (day off), and generally succeed, but unfortunately, the rest of the world does not work on a Sunday to Thursday basis and things crop up that have to be done on a Friday. I am sure we all have such challenges in the busyness of modern life.

At such times of tiredness, two scriptures stand out for me. The first is Psalm 23, where we see the shepherd caring for his sheep: ‘he restores my soul’. Sometimes we need to have our soul restored in order to function and that can happen as we take time to wait upon the Lord. The second scripture is Matthew 11:28: ‘Come unto me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest’. This is a promise of God that, once more, the rest of God that restores our wellbeing is with Jesus.

If you are tired, weary or burdened, come to the Lord; wait upon him; rest in Him, and see if he will not restore your soul.

God bless,