October is a month of transition. It may begin sunny, but is usually cold by the end of the month as it borders on November. It is also the month when thoughts start to turn towards Christmas and when gardens go to sleep in preparation for winter. Such transitions are important although not always comfortable.

Life also has its seasons of transition, especially as we move from one age bracket to another (being over sixty feels very different from being fifty something). The key for all of us is not to fight the transitions but to embrace them.

In the same way, our faith can go through transitions. It may begin as a vibrant and passionate response to the love of God. Then, as we mature, it may become deeper and more considered, especially as we learn to apply our faith in all the areas of our life. This is part of God’s maturing and refining work in our lives.

Wherever you are in this process, embrace the transition and move on into the next phase by God’s grace. God bless,
