
On my travels, I never cease to be amazed and frustrated at the sensitivity of the person scanner at Dubai International Airport. On the way to India, I was stripped down to my jeans, T-shirt, shoes and underwear but still managed to set off the sensor. On my way...

He Restores My Soul

Sometimes, in the midst of all I am doing, I can become weary. This tiredness is not through lack of sleep particularly, but through lack of space. Whilst I try to build downtime into my routine, at times unavoidable things encroach on that space and that does not...

Hope for a Broken World

 As I sit here trying to compose my sermon for this coming Sunday, thoughts of the world around me flood my mind. The unity across denominations that I witnessed at Swanwick this week, despite differences, stands in stark contrast to the posturing and disunity that we...

Sunday Afternoon Walks

Sunday afternoon walks, the 3rd Sunday each month. We will find somewhere for refreshments after each walk. Rainy day plan – pub instead and maybe a walk on Westwood. Please speak to Angie for more details and to let her know that you’re going on the walk....