by Richard B | Sep 4, 2023 | Richard's Blog
In August we laid to rest Len King. This was, of course a sad occasion for the whole family, but one in which we can also rejoice because we know where he has gone. When we emptied his room at Figham House, we brought back the remainder of his contents in a few Ikea...
by Richard B | Aug 16, 2023 | Richard's Blog
August brings with it ‘the halcyon days of summer’. The term ‘halcyon days’ refers to a calm period in one’s life, often in the summer of one’s childhood. That is how I remember most of my summers after school had broken up and I...
by Richard B | Jun 5, 2023 | Richard's Blog
This has not been a good couple of months for Carolyn and I. First we had my op and the news that I can’t drive for six months. Then we both had covid, from which we are still recovering. Then, Carolyn had a rather nasty car accident. Then, she had a puncture in the...
by Richard B | May 2, 2023 | Richard's Blog
This month sees the crowning of King Charles III. My hope is that he is a better king than his former namesakes. The first was a megalomaniac who plunged the country into civil war; the second presided over one of the most debauched periods in British history. Neither...
by Richard B | Apr 11, 2023 | Richard's Blog
April signals the real beginning of Spring. It is usually the time when we begin to feel the weather warm up, where the flowers begin to bloom, and when the days begin to get longer. It is also the highlight of the Christian calendar as we remember the Passion of the...
by Richard B | Feb 27, 2023 | Richard's Blog
So, we enter the season of Lent once again. When I was growing up, this season consisted of no more than pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. However, these days it has taken on more significance for me. The forty days running up to Easter are a genuine time for reflection...